Reliable Pallet QC
Products & Services
High Quality Materials and Production
High Volume Production Capacity
Rapid Turn Around on All Orders
Wide Variety of Lumber Species Available
High and Low Density Hardwoods​
Kiln-dried and Heat Treated Spruce, Pine, and Fir
ISPM15 Certified for Overseas Pallets and Crates​
Low Cost Manufacturing for Competitive Pricing
Any Size and Strength Pallet Available

We can store material for your pallets ad crates on site to insure 24 - 48 hour turnaround on your orders. We can also have finished product on hand for even quicker turnaround if necessary. We have our own fleet of trucks for fast delivery right to your facility.
High Quality Crates and Boxes made to your Company's unique specifications.
All sizes available - nothing too large or too small
Crates for foreign and domestic shipment
With over 25 Years of crate and box design experience, we can assist you in designing a crate or box that meets your unique specifications to safely and cost effectively ship your product.

Standard and nonstandard sized used pallets available
Remanufactured pallets that look like new at greatly reduced prices
Reliable Pallet & Crating Company strives to recycle every possible by-product of it's pallet and crate operation. All available pallets are repaired. The vast majority of our non-repairable pallets are cut up and recycled. All remaining waste pellets are ground up for mulch or ground into fuel pellets to be used as heat source.